Thursday, 8 August 2024

So about gender representation

 Jeff Rients quoted this on his blog. 

And it got me thinking about stuff that we're playing.  

The Dragonlance campaign that we hacked is more or less over this issue, the elven princess has two brothers, there are male and female evil generals, dragons, gods, all of them have names. Switch them around and not much will change, although I like the idea of a female Death Knight lusting after an elven prince. 

There are not that many humans in All Dogs... and if you genderbend the bandit leader, she turns back into sort of Robin Hood (that was the pun about her name). 

I'm so progressive, aren't I. 

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Gen Con Surprise!

If you're on Gen Con, check out this year's LotFP free catalog. Because there's something awesome in there. Let's hear from James E. Raggi IV. 

The greatest horror game ever is here.

That's pretty much it, folks.  DEMON CITY can now be bought, both in printed format and as a PDF.  I've had the PDF for some time no...