Sunday, 28 July 2024

Oh look, we're silver.

 Thanks to everyone who bought All Dogs Go to Hell, it's now a silver bestseller on DTRPG. Yay! 


To celebrate this, I'm going to make pizza. I'd invite y'all to have a slice but I don't have enough for everyone, sorry. Instead, I'm going to publish a little thing that I've been working on (with some vital help from my friends). I dunno if I'll make it a pay-what-you-want on DT or put it somewhere else, we'll see. It's fun and I think it's gonna be useful. Give me a week or two and I'll show it to you.

Once again, I want to thank all the 1087 people who downloaded All Dogs, especially those who paid real money for it. And James Raggi who thought I have a funny name, and hired me to write it. And the artists, and the editor, and the playtesters (they're all mentioned in the adventure, they're cool people). 

Now let's get back to work. Electrum bestseller is next.

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