Monday, 30 December 2024

The Magic Item Collection and Generator is now live for sale

So this is the thing that I made. 

What's it good for? 

The Collection contains 30 magic items that I wrote up, more or less original. Some are weapons, some are clothes. Most are weird. Some are almost definitely cursed.

The items in the Collection are grouped into five categories. When you need to quickly and randomly give your players some unfamiliar magic loot, roll a d6 a couple times, and there you go. 

The Collection was designed to be useful at a physical gaming table. So if you print it out on both sides of a Letter-sized page, and fold it along the marked folding lines, it should look like a booklet or bookmark, call it what you like. 


Here's me using it as a bookmark for Zak's Compendium

And then there's the Generator on a separate page, in case you need to quickly whip up some new magic item. You'll need a d4, or, if you want to randomize it more (and/or despise d4s), a d4, d8 and d20. 

I playtested it, it's fast and efficient, and comes with four curses that can fall on whosoever picks up the magic item. It's compatible with LotFP and, I suppose, any other OSR game and old school D&D. If you like it but something doesn't fit your game, let me know and I'll think of something to fix it - or hack it yourself, which is the proper way.

You can buy it for whatever price you want in here. 

Have a good game in the new year. 

Friday, 27 December 2024

Space Frontier

 Among other things, we playtested a game of space western. 

While the obvious secret ingredient is "playing with good and fun people", there are also some mechanics that made the game fun. 


Setting the playground. A desolate world where everyone you meet is a survivor with some specific talents and possessions that helped them stay alive, and the scars left by their day to day struggles; and every location has some meaningful features that can be used to your advantage or disadvantage. 


Picking the toys. Every item that the PCs can have in their saddlebags is meaningful. You can pick simpler things and have slightly more of them, or just one-two really fancy trinkets. 


You have your gun, your knife, and your robot horse. Each is personalized. No six-shooter in the world is like yours. They all have special features and flaws. 


The stats and skills, which are an effective fusion of D&D and Demon City. 

And finally: 

The showdown dueling rules. A deadly game of "rock-paper-scissors", only more nuanced and flexible. 

My character's life was, in the end, saved by his trusty magnetic boots. 

And Gooseman was his name. 

Sunday, 1 December 2024

This is gonna be good.

In case you didn't know, Zak is taking down his Cube World adventures that are available from his Store. They'll be gone after this year ends. 

Instead, he suggests this. 

The Compendium that has all the Cube World stuff and then some. 




I mean, look at this. 


So if you, like me, want this, you have until January 1st to write to Zak and to ask for it. 


The greatest horror game ever is here.

That's pretty much it, folks.  DEMON CITY can now be bought, both in printed format and as a PDF.  I've had the PDF for some time no...