Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Converting Marvel Super Heroes to I Am The Weapon, issue 2

 As Zak pointed out, no way would Spider-Man have D12 Toughness (peak human ability) - his strength is clearly superhuman. 

I made this mistake because MSH has the same power ranks for all stats, but they have different meanings. Incredible Agility is peak human, but Incredible Strength is "able to lift 10 tons", something that Iron Man in his battlesuit or Spidey can do - and Incredible Endurance is also something superhuman.

Which means instead of having one nifty table, you'll probably need a table for every single stat to convert it properly. 


As before, Marvel Super Heroes stats are bold and I Am The Weapon stats are cursive

Fighting /Hand to Hand

Feeble - 2

Poor to Typical - D4

Good - D6

Excellent - D8

Remarkable to Incredible - D10

Amazing - D12

Monstrous - D20

Unearthly - D20+D4

 Again, I suggest you drop it if it's lower than the Toughness and Agility levels, because what's the point then?


As before. 

Feeble – 2.

Poor to Typical – D4.

Good – D6

Excellent – D8

Remarkable – D10

Incredible –  D12

Amazing - D20 

Monstrous - D20+D4 

Unearthly - D20+D6



Feeble D4 (everyone is just stronger in  superheroic comics and movies, right?)

Poor - D6

Typical D8

Good D10

Excellent D12

Remarkable D20

Incredible –  D20+D4

Amazing - D20 +D6

Monstrous - D20+D8

Unearthly - D20+D10


Feeble 2.

Poor - D4

Typical D6

Good D8

Excellent D10

Remarkable D12 (again, this is Captan America's level)

Incredible –  D20

Amazing - D20+D4

Monstrous - D20+D6

Unearthly - D20+D8

As I wrote before, I still suggest you pick the highest of Endurance and Strength and use it as Toughness. So Spidey has Incredible Strength and Incredible Endurance, which translates to D20+D4 and D20... so he has the higher of the two, D20+D4 in Toughness. Sure beats the D12 I gave him before. 



Feeble 2.

Poor - D4

Typical to GoodD6

Excellent D8

Remarkable D10

Incredible –  D12

Amazing - D20

Monstrous - D20+D4

Unearthly - D20+D6



Feeble – 2

Poor - D4

Typical D6

Good D8

Excellent D10

Remarkable D12

Incredible –  D20

Amazing - D20+D4

Monstrous - D20+D6 (Daredevil and Wolverine) 

Unearthly - D20+D8



Feeble 2

Poor - D4

Typical to goodD6

Excellent D8

Remarkable D10

Incredible –  D12

Amazing - D20

Monstrous - D20+D4

Unearthly - D20+D6



Feeble 2

Poor - D4

Typical D6

Good D8

Excellent D10

Remarkable D12 (TSR, Inc)

Incredible –  D20

Amazing - D20+D4

Monstrous - D20+D6

Unearthly - D20+D8



Okay, Captain America's Popularity in costume is 100. Yes, I know he's the living legend of WW2, but I'm not giving him D20+D6 Appeal

Besides, the X-Men all have a 0 Popularity because they're mutants and people distrust mutants, and that doesn't mean they all have 0 Appeal. 

So this thing needs to be reworked. I don't see a simple solution here - since MSH doesn't have anything that could be easily turned into Appeal, and I think Zak didn't exactly figure out how Appeal should work in IATW (there are mentions of "tagging" Appeal but no explanation how it works), I guess you just have to take the level that makes sense. If you have a better idea, tell me. 

So here's IATW Spider-Man #2. 


Calmness D12

Agility D20

Perception D8

Toughness D20+D4

Appeal D8 (I'll drop the "in costume/out of costume" for now, he can be a more-charming-than-average-guy and it's his actions that make him more or less attractive to people for the most part)

Intelligence D8

Networking D4


Hit Points 24



Enhanced Perception: D20 (danger sense)

Climbing: D20


Web D20+D4 (requires cartridges)

Tracer D20 (little thingy that can be tracked in a radius of a mile or less)



Occupational skill: photographer D10

Science D10

Chemistry D12



Daily Bugle, Aunt (NAME REDACTED)

That's definitely a stronger, tougher, smarter Spider-Man than the first attempt. 

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