Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Zak won a defamation case

 I remember reading many times from multiple people that "Zak only sued Ettin for defamation because Australia has very bad laws, he'd never sue anyone in the US because FREEDOM OF SPEECH! and people can say what they want on the Internet for the same reason" etc etc. 

Those people were either mistaken or lying. 

Case in point: Vivka Grey lied about Zak harassing her. There was a lot of proof that she was lying, and that proof was presented to the court. The court ruled that Vivka Grey lied, that she's guilty, and that she must pay some money to Zak because he was the victim. 

The video contains extracts from the court process, some proof of Vivka's lies (and also Kimberly Kane being awesome, which does not relate to the story). 

And here's Zak's post for those who, like me, prefer reading to listening. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. It's nasty exactly because it's important to defend the victims, it's important to act against abusers - and then someone uses it to make people attack an innocent.
    And then there's the thing - they wrote "I believe women, I support victims" a lot, but when women who were harassed for playing with Zak said "Hey, listen, you're wrong, Zak is not a monster", suddenly it turned out that "I believe women, just not the women who say I'm wrong".
    It really sucks. I hope things eventually get better for Zak and the people who spoke the truth and went to court and risked a lot to stop the hate campaign.


The greatest horror game ever is here.

That's pretty much it, folks.  DEMON CITY can now be bought, both in printed format and as a PDF.  I've had the PDF for some time no...