Thursday, 19 October 2023

Making plans...

 Right before I left the old country, we finished playing through the first book of the old Dragonlance campaign. 

The Playing D&D In Ukraine gang are cool. They're always eager to try out new stuff (as long as it's not FATAL), they're thinking that rolling badly and losing in a game can be as much fun as folling well and winning, they're diverse (now that I've left, the straight white guys are actually a minority), they're good playtesters (which is why I mentioned them on the first page of All Dogs Go To Hell).

Also they like their characters and their adventures. They're cool with one-shots, but they like to get XP and level up their characters and keep on exploring and adventuring.

And Dragonlance is a long campaign. Book One is barely the beginning. 

So we're going to play online, and we're going to play this. 

Hello again, Douglas Niles. Long time no play. 
And this needs some hacking. A) We're using LotFP rules, so that's something to adjust for, B) it was funny to get through the five-feet staff hidden in the barbarian girl's clothes and libraries without any books and treasuries where the only treasure was a draconian captain (very drunk). But it's been done. We want treasuries with treasure, we want libraries with books, we want crumbling scrolls with new spells written by mad wizards.
 And C) in our campaign, the Innfellows are not the heroes, they're doing something else, the heroes are a kender bardess, an elven mage, and a dwarven cleric. Putting Laurana and her brothers into this trio's adventures was fun, so I need to think of ways to bring in more NPCs and make a bigger mess out of their relationships. Did I mention that the kenderess transformed into a fireshadow and went to explore the Abyss in the end of our last session? I have no idea what new friends and enemies she made on the way. Neither do the players, yet. 
So, the adventure starts in Tarsis. Tarsis is a big city. If we're in a city, I want to use the city, I don't want just "The inn, the palace, and a couple NPCs with plot hooks", I want stores and sewers and nobles and intrigues and the whole shebang. 
So I'm taking this, and I'm hacking Tarsis with it. 

 Praise Vorn, y'all. 

I'm not telling just what I'm going to do because the players don't necessary need to know just yet. But I got plans. Oh, yes. 

And now for something completely different. 
What people say about All Dogs Go To Hell?

Thank you, person from Reddit. It did get a release somehow. 

Still available for whatever you're willing to pay in here.

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